Cosi Corner
Decoding Dyshidrotic Eczema: Blisters, Triggers, and Triumphs!
Understanding Dysphoric Eczema: Causes, Symptoms, and TreatmentEczema is a commonly discussed topic in skincare circles. However, there are different types of eczema, each with its unique characteristics. Among these, a lesser-known but equally vital type is dysphoric eczema. Dive into this article to uncover the intricacies of dysphoric eczema and enhance your understanding of skin health.What is Dysphoric Eczema?At its core, dysphoric eczema, sometimes referred to as 'pompholyx' or 'dyshidrotic eczema', is a type of eczema that primarily affects the hands and feet. It's characterized by small, intensely itchy blisters. But what sets dysphoric eczema apart from other forms? Symptoms of Dysphoric EczemaUnderstanding the symptoms can help in early diagnosis and treatment:1. Small Blisters: Often filled with fluid, these blisters usually appear on the edges of fingers, toes, palms, and soles of the feet.2. Intense Itching: Before the appearance of the blisters, itching is usually the first sign. Once the blisters dry out, the skin might become scaly and can crack.3. Pain: Some people experience pain, especially when the blisters become large.4. Sweating in Affected Areas: The skin around the blisters can be sweaty.Causes and Triggers1. Metals, especially: - Nickel: Found in jewelry, keys, coins, and some foods. - Cobalt: Found in metal objects and some hair dyes. - Chromium: Found in cement, leather, and some matches.2. Stress: Both emotional and physical stress can lead to flare-ups for many individuals.3. Excessive Sweating: Those who sweat profusely might be more prone to this type of eczema, as moisture can exacerbate the condition.4. Soaps, Detergents, and Cleaning Agents: Harsh chemicals can irritate the skin and trigger eczema. This is especially true if hands are frequently exposed to these substances without protection.5. Fungal Infections: Infections, especially on the feet, can lead to or aggravate the condition.6. Perfumes and Fragrances: Many skincare and beauty products contain fragrances that can irritate sensitive skin.7. Water: Prolonged exposure to water, especially hot water, can strip the skin of its natural oils, leading to dryness and potential flare-ups.8. Certain Fabrics: Synthetic fabrics or tight-fitting clothes can exacerbate eczema in some people.9. Changes in Temperature or Humidity: Sudden temperature changes or very dry/humid environments can trigger the condition.10. Allergens: Pollen, pet dander, or even certain foods can trigger eczema in some people.11. Latex: Found in some gloves and condoms, latex can be an irritant.Managing and Treating Dysphoric EczemaRecognizing the condition early and seeking professional advice can help manage its symptoms effectively:1. Moisturizers and Emollients: Keeping the skin hydrated can prevent dryness and cracking.2. Topical Steroids: These help in reducing inflammation and are often prescribed by dermatologists.3. Cold Compress: Applying a cold compress can reduce itching and pain. The Scratch Star and Scratch Attack Roller are perfect hygienic options for this. 4. Avoid Triggers: If you've identified specific triggers, such as certain metals or excessive water exposure, steer clear from them.5. Antihistamines: They can help in managing itching, especially during nighttime.6. PUVA Therapy: A specialized treatment where the skin is exposed to UVA light after being treated with a drug called psoralen. ConclusionDysphoric eczema, though lesser-known, is a condition that affects many. By recognizing its symptoms and triggers, we can seek timely treatment and better manage its flare-ups. As with any skin condition, it's essential to consult with a dermatologist to ensure accurate diagnosis and treatment.
Learn moreWhy Eczema Itches
So why does eczema itch? In this blog we cover the reason for the itch sensation within the condition of eczema and scientifically what goes on within our body when we feel itchy! The reason's we itch: Skin barrier dysfunction: Eczema is often associated with a compromised skin barrier, which allows irritants and allergens to penetrate the skin more easily. This leads to an immune response and the release of substances such as histamine, which triggers itching. Inflammatory response: Eczema is an inflammatory condition, and inflammation in the skin can induce itching. Inflammatory cells release chemicals that stimulate nerve endings and cause itching sensations. Dry skin: People with eczema often have dry skin, which can make the skin more prone to itching. Dryness can lead to an increased loss of moisture from the skin, causing it to become dry and itchy. Nerve hypersensitivity: In eczema, the nerves in the affected skin may become hypersensitive, meaning they are more responsive to itching stimuli. Even minor triggers can cause intense itching sensations. Scratching cycle: The act of scratching provides temporary relief from itching, but it can also damage the skin further, leading to more inflammation and triggering a vicious cycle of itching and scratching. Break this cycle by using a Scratch Star, or Scratch Attack Roller! Psychological factors: Eczema can have a significant impact on a person's emotional well-being, leading to stress and anxiety. These psychological factors can contribute to increased itching sensations. It's important to note that everyone's experience with eczema may vary, and different triggers may cause itching in different individuals. It's recommended to work with a healthcare professional to develop an individualized management plan to address both the underlying causes of eczema and strategies to alleviate itching. So.. Scientifically what is happening in my body to cause the itchiness sensation? The itchiness sensation experienced in eczema is a complex process involving various biological mechanisms. Here's a more detailed scientific explanation of what happens in your body to cause itchiness: 1. Nerve stimulation: When your skin is inflamed due to eczema, immune cells release substances called cytokines and histamines. These chemical messengers stimulate specialized nerve fibers called C-fibers and Aδ-fibers, which are responsible for transmitting the sensation of itchiness to the brain. 2. Histamine release: Histamine is a key mediator involved in the itch response. In response to inflammation, mast cells in the skin release histamine. Histamine binds to specific receptors on nerve cells, triggering the sensation of itchiness. 3. Nerve transmission: Nerve fibers transmit the itch signal from the skin to the spinal cord and then to the brain. Itch-specific neurons in the spinal cord transmit the signal to higher brain regions, including the thalamus and the somatosensory cortex, where the itch sensation is perceived. 4.Neural pathways: Multiple neural pathways are involved in the itch sensation. The spinothalamic pathway is one of the major pathways responsible for transmitting itch signals from the spinal cord to the brain. The brain also receives inputs from other areas, such as the limbic system, which is involved in emotional responses. 5. Neurotransmitters: Various neurotransmitters play a role in itch transmission. Besides histamine, other substances like substance P, serotonin, and gastrin-releasing peptide (GRP) are involved in mediating itch signals in the nervous system. 6. Central processing: Itch signals are processed and interpreted in the brain. The brain integrates the sensory input with emotional and cognitive factors, determining the perception of itchiness. Factors such as stress, anxiety, and attention can influence how intensely you perceive the itch sensation. It's important to note that the exact mechanisms of itch in eczema are still an area of active research, and further studies are being conducted to gain a more comprehensive understanding of this complex phenomenon.
Learn moreHow Does Eczema Start?
Eczema, also known as atopic dermatitis, is a chronic skin condition that typically begins in childhood but can affect people of all ages. The exact cause of eczema is not fully understood, but it is believed to result from a combination of genetic and environmental factors. Genetic predisposition plays a significant role in the development of eczema. People with a family history of eczema, asthma, or allergies are more likely to develop the condition. Certain gene mutations are associated with a defective skin barrier function, which makes the skin more susceptible to irritants, allergens, and moisture loss. Environmental factors also contribute to the onset of eczema. These include: Allergens: Exposure to certain substances can trigger or worsen eczema symptoms. Common allergens include dust mites, pet dander, pollen, mold, and certain foods. Irritants: Everyday substances can irritate the skin and lead to eczema flare-ups. These irritants may include soaps, detergents, shampoos, fragrances, harsh chemicals, and even some fabrics. Dry skin: Individuals with eczema often have a compromised skin barrier, which allows moisture to escape and makes the skin dry and itchy. Dry skin can further aggravate eczema symptoms and trigger flare-ups. Climate: Extreme temperatures, high or low humidity levels, and changes in weather conditions can affect the skin and lead to eczema flare-ups. Stress: Emotional stress and anxiety can contribute to the development or worsening of eczema symptoms. Stress can weaken the immune system and make the skin more reactive. It's important to note that while these factors can trigger or exacerbate eczema, the condition is not contagious. Eczema is a result of a complex interplay between genetic and environmental factors, and the exact triggers may vary from person to person. If you suspect you have eczema or are concerned about a skin condition, it's best to consult a healthcare professional or dermatologist for an accurate diagnosis and appropriate treatment. The allergic march, also known as the atopic march, refers to the natural progression of allergic diseases in some individuals, particularly children. It describes the sequential development of different allergic conditions over time. The typical pattern of the allergic march begins with eczema (atopic dermatitis) in infancy, followed by food allergies, allergic rhinitis (hay fever), and asthma later in childhood. The exact cause of the allergic march is not fully understood, but it is believed to be influenced by a combination of genetic predisposition and environmental factors. Here's a general overview of how the allergic march starts in children: Eczema (Atopic Dermatitis): Eczema often appears in infancy, typically before the age of five. Genetic factors play a significant role in the development of eczema, and children with a family history of eczema, asthma, or allergies are more prone to developing it. Environmental factors like irritants, allergens, dry skin, and changes in temperature can trigger eczema symptoms. Food Allergies: Some children with eczema may develop food allergies as part of the allergic march. Common food allergens include cow's milk, eggs, peanuts, tree nuts, soy, wheat, and shellfish. The exact relationship between eczema and food allergies is not fully understood, but it is believed that the compromised skin barrier in eczema patients allows allergens to penetrate more easily, leading to sensitization and allergic reactions. Allergic Rhinitis (Hay Fever): Allergic rhinitis typically manifests as sneezing, itching, nasal congestion, and watery eyes in response to allergens like pollen, dust mites, or pet dander. Children who have had eczema or food allergies may develop allergic rhinitis later in childhood. It is thought that the immune system becomes sensitized to various allergens, leading to an allergic response in the respiratory system. Asthma: Asthma is a chronic respiratory condition characterized by inflammation and narrowing of the airways, leading to breathing difficulties, coughing, wheezing, and chest tightness. Children with a history of eczema, food allergies, or allergic rhinitis are at an increased risk of developing asthma. The progression from allergic rhinitis to asthma may occur due to shared underlying mechanisms and inflammation in the airways. It's important to note that not all individuals follow the exact sequence of the allergic march, and the severity and progression of allergic conditions can vary. While the allergic march provides a general framework, each person's experience with allergic diseases can be unique. Early identification, appropriate management, and allergen avoidance under the guidance of healthcare professionals can help in minimizing the impact of the allergic march and improving quality of life for affected individuals.
Learn moreItching at Night Time – How to Care for Your Itchy Child – Cosi Care
How to Help Your Child with Eczema Itching at Night If you’ve experienced eczema, you’ll know that eczema itching at night can be even more intense than during the day. Seeing a child lose sleep through nocturnal pruritus (itchy skin at night time) can be heart-breaking and frustrating in equal measure! Why is eczema so itchy at night? And what can you do to support your child through the sleep disturbance? Fortunately, we have some tips to help you understand and prevent those night time itching flares. And when that itch does strike and your little one’s sleep is broken, we have some strategies for that, too. Why is Eczema Itching at Night a Problem? If you’ve hit Google looking for advice on your child’s night time itchiness, you probably know all too well why it’s a problem. Studies show that kids with mild eczema are 40% more likely to have disturbed sleep than those without the condition. Kids with severe eczema are 85% more likely to experience poor sleep. Even those without active symptoms are nearly twice as likely to experience broken sleep than children without eczema1. “kids with severe eczema are 85% more likely to experience poor sleep” The Effects of Poor Sleep That broken sleep is tough on the whole family, and can have worrying knock-on impacts for the child. Even minimal sleep disturbance can affect2: Mood Hyperactivity Attention Performance at school Immune system Not to mention their relationships and your wellbeing as a family unit. Witnessing your exhausted child waking up itchy again and again is hard! Scratching at Night Another problem with itching at night is the scratching it leads to. Whether it’s because when we’re sleepy our anti-scratch defences are down, or because we’re simply scratching in our sleep, people with eczema often wake with sore, inflamed skin from night time scratching. Not only can scratching eczema actually cause more itching, it can lead to infections and all the complications that come with them. Is my Child’s Night Time Itching Caused by Eczema? Eczema is the foremost cause of itchiness at night3, so there’s a good chance your child’s nocturnal pruritus is eczema-related. What is Eczema? Eczema, also known as dermatitis, is a group of conditions that cause dry, irritated skin with an itchy rash. There are lots of types of eczema. Here are two that commonly cases night time itching: Atopic dermatitis. This is a chronic (long-lasting) type, more likely to develop in children with a family history of eczema, asthma and allergies. Contact dermatitis. This type of eczema occurs when the skin is exposed to an irritant. Substances that irritate the skin vary from person to person and can include anything from laundry detergent to pollen. Children with this condition might find their contact dermatitis gets worse at night if their bedding is washed with a new powder, for example. Night time itching can be related to a child’s eczema, even if they don’t have visible symptoms (night time itching with no rash is common). If your child doesn’t have an eczema diagnosis but you suspect their itching is due to eczema, it’s worth discussing with a health professional (especially if it’s affecting your child’s sleep). What are Other Causes of Itching at Night? While eczema – specifically atopic dermatitis – is the primary cause of itching at night, there are some other conditions that could be causing your child’s itching. Psoriasis, a chronic skin condition, which causes red, flaky, crusty patches of skin. Lichen simplex chronicus is thickened areas of rough skin caused by repeatedly scratching or rubbing. Prurigo nodularis is a chronic skin disease that occurs more rarely than eczema. Head lice are tiny insects common among children that live on the human head and bite the scalp. Threadworms are small, thread-like worms that live in the intestine and can cause intense itching around the bum, particularly at night. Your doctor can help you determine whether one of these conditions is causing your child’s nocturnal pruritus. Why is Eczema Itchy at Night? Those that have experienced waking up at night itching can attest to this phenomenon. That urgent, irrepressible itch just seems to go into OVERDRIVE when the sun goes down. There are a few possible reasons for this. Let’s take a look (or skip forward for tips on how to manage those itchy nights!): 1. Cortisol – The Hormone that Helps Control Inflammation and Itch Cortisol is an important anti-inflammatory hormone. It also has a role in waking us up! Cortisol levels naturally drop overnight to help ensure we get a good night’s sleep, then peak early in the morning to ready us for waking. The problem with this is that cortisol’s anti-inflammatory, itch-controlling effects are minimised at night time when the levels are low4. Low cortisol usually = better sleep BUT for people with itchy skin conditions, low cortisol = reduced protection against inflammation = more itching (which ironically leads to worse sleep!). 2. Body Temperature Fluctuations at Night Core body temperature drops when we are trying to get to sleep. This causes an increase in skin temperature as the surface blood vessels dilate and the warm blood rushes to the surface of the body. Heat is a known eczema trigger and could have a role in your little one’s itching. 3. No Distractions During the day, our little stars are occupied with friends, learning, and generally living busy little lives! There’s plenty of distraction that might help them not to notice itching, or to experience it as less irresistible. When lying in the dark, unable to sleep with itchy skin, there’s little else to focus on. 4. The Itch Scratch Cycle Unintentional night time scratching might happen when your child is fully asleep or very sleepy (scratching in sleep is unavoidable), or perhaps your child is awake and just can’t repress the urge to scratch. We’ve all been there! Unfortunately, while scratching brings momentary relief, it signals the immune system to create more inflammation, which leads to more itching. Kids with eczema can easily get stuck in this miserable cycle at night time, with itching only growing in intensity and sleep being more and more impacted. 5. Skin Moisture Levels Some children seem to sweat a lot at night. As well as making the skin damp (a known eczema trigger), this sweating actually leads to low skin moisture levels over the course of the night, which in turn also causes eczema to flare. 6. Dust Mites and Other Allergens Allergens are substances that cause an allergic reaction. In skin, this means inflammation, which – you’ve guessed it – exacerbates eczema. Dermatitis and dust mite allergy are strongly linked5, meaning many people with eczema are sensitive to the dust mites that are all around us. Since dust mites can build up in bedding, carpets and other furnishings near your child’s bed, they could be producing an allergic skin response and contributing to your child itching at night. Avoiding eczema triggers to prevent flare-ups at night How can you prevent eczema? The truth is, you can’t. But you can avoid substances and environmental factors that cause eczema to flare up, and manage your symptoms well for quick healing when it does. While there are common triggers, each person with eczema will have their own unique profile of things that irritate their skin. The following list has general tips, but it’s always a good idea to identify and avoid your child’s own specific triggers, too. Go for allergy-friendly fabrics Steering clear of triggering fabrics for bedding and pyjamas can help keep your child’s skin cool and calm. Best avoided: man-made fibres (like polyester), scratchy fabrics - brushed wool might look soft but sensitive skin doesn’t always agree! feather pillows and duvets. Try: light linen, pure cotton, comfortable, loose fitting pj’s. Top tip: Remember to wash bedding and nightwear in a tried and trusted sensitive detergent. Moisturise If eczema is nothing new to you, you’ll know the importance of moisturiser! Best avoided: any moisturiser your child hasn’t tried and tolerated well before. Speak to your doctor about recommended emollients if you’re unsure. Try: applying plenty of your child’s moisturiser a little while before bed, to allow it time to soak in, keeping some moisturiser in the fridge so it’s chilled and ready if they wake up itchy. Top tip: If you’re using a steroid cream, pop it on at least half an hour before bed to make sure stinging has subsided before your child snuggles down for the night. Regulate temperature Heat and extremes of temperature are common eczema triggers and could cause night time itching. Best avoided: high central heating in the evening and at night, hot baths or showers before bed, thick blankets. Try: bathing your child with lukewarm water, opening windows during the day to keep bedrooms cool (close them at night to shut out allergens). Top tip: use a humidifier in cooler months when the central heating is on, to avoid dryness. Keep dust in check As a common allergen for people with eczema, keeping dust to a minimum in sleeping areas might help prevent nocturnal pruritus. Best avoided: lots of soft toys and cushions on and around the bed (these gather dust), Try: hoovering and wiping around the room as regularly as possible, washing bedding and favourite soft toys weekly at 60 degrees, airing bedding over a chair or banister every day. Top tip: freezing soft toys for 24 hours banishes dust mites, so little ones can still have that favourite teddy. Healthy sleep habits As well as avoiding eczema triggers to prevent night time flare-ups, supporting your little star to develop a great bedtime routine could help them sleep through some of that itching. Here are some habits that could help us all get more zzz’s. Keep to a pattern. A regular bedtime and wake-up time trains the brain to sleep soundly in the hours in-between. Wind down. Keeping things chilled before lights-out helps prepare the body for sleep. Keep screens switched off before bed and try relaxing music, massage or reading stories. Have a lighter evening meal. Heavy dinners are associated with wakeful nights. Discuss melatonin with your GP.Studies suggest melatonin can help improve sleep quality for children with atopic dermatitis6. Top tips for soothing eczema itching at night It’s the middle of the night, and your sleepy child won’t stop scratching and is too distressed to sleep. If you’re anything like us, you’re desperate to know how to stop eczema itching, now. First, take a deep breath! We know it’s tough to witness, but keeping the atmosphere as calm as possible will give you all a better chance of getting back to sleep. What you can do now: Reassure your little one in soothing tones. Apply moisturiser (even better if it’s chilled). Massage an unaffected area of their skin to distract their brain. If your little one is very young, consider swaddling. Try audiobooks, white noise or other calming soundscapes to distract your child from their skin (while not keeping them awake!). Make sure nails are clipped closely and hands are clean in case of sleep- scratching. Support your child to use a Cosi Care Safe Scratching Device, if you have one. What is a Safe Scratching Device? At Cosi Care we understand the need for instant relief. We invented Safe Scratching to immediately soothe itch with cold and texture that protect the skin. Grabbing your Scratch Star or Scratch Attack Roller from the fridge or freezer when your child wakes in the night is a way you can offer them instant eczema itch relief so they can get back to catching those all-important zzz’s. Here’s how to outmatch the night time scratch: Simply put a blob of moisturiser on the star’s metal plate or inside the roller and gently massage over your child’s itchy area in slow, circular motions. If you haven’t yet got a Scratch Star or Scratch Attack Roller on standby, you can pick up your safe scratchers right here. Why not join the Cosi Care community? You can subscribe to our newsletter at the bottom of this page and connect with us over on Instagram. Sources 1 2 3 4 5 6
Learn moreSchool, Stress and Eczema: How to Reduce Stress-Related Flare-Ups
The link between school, stress and eczema is nothing new to those who have the condition. And that’s no small number! On average, six children in a class of 30 experience eczema. Maybe exam stress triggers your child’s symptoms. Or perhaps flare-ups make them stressed, both through worries about standing out and the distraction of pain and itching. Maybe it’s all of this, and more besides! As the new academic year begins, carers of children with eczema might have concerns about the school-stress-eczema connection. If you’re wondering how to support your little one or young person in managing stress-related eczema, we’re here to help. Knowledge is power, so we’ve put together a guide to reducing school stress and the flare-ups it can cause. Let’s start at the beginning! Can stress cause eczema? A question we often hear is ‘does stress cause eczema?’ and the short answer is no. The ultimate cause of eczema is unknown, but the consensus is that stress doesn’t in and of itself cause dermatitis (another name for eczema). However, if the question is ‘can stress cause eczema to flare?’ the answer is absolutely. It’s well known that stress can trigger ‘flare-ups’ or ‘outbreaks’ (episodes of eczema), and can also worsen existing symptoms. Why does stress cause eczema to flare up? Researchers continue to explore just how stress, quite literally, ‘gets under our skin’. Meanwhile, studies already point to a number of ways. Stress: 1. Inhibits the skin’s barrier function. This can increase sensitivity to allergens and reduce skin’s hydration. It can also lower our threshold for itch, making scratching much harder to resist. How it triggers eczema: All three are factors that can cause eczema outbreaks. 2. Increases stress hormones, such as cortisol, in the body. Since high levels of cortisol for repeated or long periods can suppress the immune system (bear in mind the skin is our largest immune organ!), this can lead to inflammation. How it triggers eczema: Inflammation is a known risk factor for dermatitis flare-ups. 3. Makes it tough for the skin to repair itself after irritation, because sustained changes to stress hormone levels impact skin recovery. How it triggers eczema: This could explain why a little flare becomes a big flare very quickly when stress is involved! These are just some of the ways the stress-response and eczema are connected. Unfortunately, a stress-induced eczema outbreak often leads to more stress, and so the two are linked in a vicious cycle. What types of eczema are linked to stress? There are many types of eczema, the most common being atopic dermatitis. Atopic eczema runs in families and is linked with likelihood of developing asthma, hay fever and eczema. Other types include: contact dermatitis, which develops when allergens or irritants touch the skin; nummular eczema (also known as discoid dermatitis), which forms round or oval patches; pompholyx eczema (also known as dyshidrotic eczema), which starts with a burning sensation followed by a sudden dermatitis blister rash on hands and feet. There are other forms, and we can also refer to eczema by the part of the body it affects (such as ‘facial eczema’). Regardless of the type, stress can exacerbate eczema symptoms - you could see stress-related eczema on hands, for example. Stress is especially associated with triggering flare-ups of atopic, nummular and pompholyx eczema. Other eczema triggers You probably know that stress isn’t the only thing that can cause dermatitis to flare up. Triggers can be anything that activate the immune system, causing additional inflammation and making skin cells change their behaviour. Here are some other potential eczema breakout causes, and how to help your child avoid them during term-time. Allergens Eczema and allergies go hand-in-hand, and allergic reactions can quickly cause skin flare-ups. Top tips: Sadly, school can’t protect your child from every allergen. An obvious example is pollen – with the best will in the world, no one can prevent those microscopic allergy-causers from circulating in the air! However, you can make school aware of any known allergies so that they can do their best to keep your child away from contact with their personal eczema triggers. Additionally, if your child has a food allergy, packed-lunches are a great idea for avoiding possible allergen-based triggers in school meals. Chemicals People with dermatitis are often more sensitive to certain chemicals, especially when their skin is already inflamed. Top tips: Hypoallergenic laundry detergents are a great choice for washing your little one’s school uniform. You could also consider sending your child in with a sensitive cleanser for use in place of the school hand soap, too. It’s always a good idea to keep a note of the ingredients of any products that cause eczema flare-ups for your child – you may be able to pinpoint chemicals to avoid. School stress By school stress, we mean anything at or related to school that causes a pupil to feel worried, overwhelmed or threatened. Sometimes, a young person might not be conscious of experiencing this type of stress, yet their body reacts to it nonetheless. Here are some common causes of school stress that could trigger eczema: Bullying and friendships Friendship issues and bullying are a significant cause of stress in children. Whether verbal, physical and online – all forms of bullying are damaging to the sufferer’s self-esteem and mental health. For those with eczema, the stress of being bullied might be the initial trigger for a flare-up. On the other hand, bullying might be a direct result of their dermatitis. According to the National Eczema Society, one in five mums of kids with eczema said their little ones have been bullied at school because of their condition. Three quarters of those said the bullying had affected their child’s self-esteem. Clearly, bullying is a serious problem and should be addressed, not only for the sake of preventing flare-ups. Brilliant guides to handling bullying such as this can give you the tools to support your child. The National Eczema Society’s school guide also has advice for both parents and schools on fostering a positive climate to prevent this issue. Exams and assessment We all know the pressure of assessments can take its toll, and this type of stress seems to be on the rise: The number of school children calling Childline about exam stress doubled from 2020 to 2021. Depending on your young person’s age, helping them to make a reasonable revision schedule and to set realistic goals can help. While they can’t avoid exams altogether, there are ways to handle the mental load. Speak to the school for tested strategies. Concentration Eczema can demand children’s attention. The distraction of itching and pain, plus time spent applying creams and thinking about avoiding a flare-up can all have knock-on effects on concentration in school. In turn, fears around falling behind and drawing attention can cause stress, which can – you’ve guessed it – trigger an outbreak. Supporting your young person at home with their homework and catching up can help manage this stressor. Additionally, touching base with teaching staff is always good. You can regularly check-in on how eczema is affecting your child’s school work, ensure they’re getting robust support and ask that allowances are made when symptoms pique. Symptoms of school stress Other than skin flare-ups, there are tell-tale signs that can indicate a child is experiencing school stress. These can include: Irritability; Headaches and tummy aches; Issues with sleep. If you recognise these signs and suspect they’re related to stress, you might just be able to intervene before a flare-up takes hold. Read on for some ideas! Reducing school-stress related eczema It sounds simple - preventing school stress related eczema should be as easy as reducing school stress, right? However, anyone with a burdened young person knows their stress isn’t always something you can control. We’ve given some ideas for handling specific school stressors above, and we’ll cover some more general strategies below, too. However, whether stress-related or not, your child might still have a flare-up during term time, and that’s okay! There areways to prevent a small flare from intensifying, so we’ll also look at how to manage eczema outbreaks at school. Strategies for coping with school stress Organise! It might sound obvious, but organisation can keep feelings of overwhelm in check and reduce overall stress levels. You can help by ensuring your young person has the stationery they need, a time table pinned up at home and – depending on their age – a study schedule. Keeping a regular rhythm for meal times, bedtimes and study times helps, too. The right study environment A calm and soothing environment can help your young person chill out and help them learn. For those with eczema, the surroundings are even more important. For example, heat and dryness could trigger their symptoms, so a desk next to a radiator is a no-no! Speaking to school about the right space for them in class could help make them more comfortable and reduce their stress. Exercise A known stress-buster, exercise releases feel-good endorphins and makes us feel good. Finding an exercise your child enjoys can be a great way to help them manage school stress, whether as part of an organised sports or exercise club or informally. Just remember to ensure they have a lukewarm bath or shower after sweating to prevent irritation. Relaxation and meditation techniques Even the youngest children can benefit from learning some relaxation techniques (try the Zen Den on YouTube for little ones!). Older kids with access to their own devices could use a meditation app. Support Spending time with family and supportive friends can help release those feelings of school-related tension. Simply knowing you’re there to talk through worries can make all the difference. Fun! Doing something we enjoy is a great way to take our mind off stress. Create opportunities for your young person to do something that makes them feel good, whether that’s going to the movies, reading a book or playing games with you! Sleep Sleep can be tricky for people with eczema, but getting into a routine to try and ensure a good night’s kip is really beneficial for overall wellbeing. Managing flare-ups Eczema treatments can vary depending on what type of eczema your child has and how severe it is. Your child’s doctor will diagnose your young person’s condition and propose a suitable treatment regimen. This might include emollients, steroid creams, antihistamines and antibiotics (if a flare-up develops into a bacterial infection). Always discuss your child’s treatment plan with their school. Whether symptoms of eczema are caused by stress at school or by something else, itching can strike anytime – including in the classroom. When your child’s skin begins to itch, scratching is a sure-fire way to intensify symptoms. It can break the skin, causing inflammation, soreness and more itchiness! Sometimes, scratching introduces infection. Strategies that help manage itchiness at home, such as wet-wrapping and baths, might not be possible at school. But as anyone with experience of eczema knows, expecting a child not to scratch when they desperately need relief is just not realistic. That’s why, at Cosi Care, we developed tools for safe scratching. Safe scratching The Cosi Care Scratch Star and Scratch Attack Roller are designed to ‘outmatch the scratch’. Through distracting sensations (texture and pressure) and cold (scientifically proven to calm itching), our safe scratchers provide instant relief when it’s most needed. For use at school, pop your child’s safe scratcher straight from the fridge into an insulated lunchbox, along with their favourite moisturiser. Add a pack of unscented tissues to wipe up their star and/or roller after use! When itching strikes, they’ll be prepared to take control and soothe their skin. Simply add a blob of moisturiser to the itchy area (or to the inside of their roller) and gently massage with their safe scratcher. No fingernails needed! We hope that knowing they have something to help manage itching at school will reassure your young person. And with that peace of mind, a little of the stress is taken away from dealing with eczema at school. Find our unique safe scratching tools here. To find out more about Cosi Care, why not join our community? Chat to us on Facebook and Instagram or subscribe to our newsletter via the box below! Sources Scientific review of the effect of stress on skin. Types of eczema. Atopic dermatitis and stress. Nummular eczema and stress. Pompholyx eczema and stress. Exam stress. Eczema and bullying
Learn moreHow to Stop your Baby Scratching their Eczema
If you’re a parent of a baby with eczema, there’s probably little you want more than to find a way to stop them scratching. A natural response to pruritis (or itchy skin), scratching can inflame and break the skin, causing soreness and infection. It can also lead to more itching! As adults, we know that trying not to scratch is hard. For babies, scratching is simply irresistible. So, what can we do? Your desire to protect your precious little one from damaging scratching is just as natural as their urge to scratch. Unfortunately, the truth is that if your baby is itchy, you probably can’t prevent them from scratching altogether. But there’s so much you can do to soothe the symptoms of baby eczema. Read on to learn all about infantile eczema and what you can do about your baby’s busy fingers. What is baby eczema? Eczema is an umbrella term, describing a group of conditions where the skin becomes bumpy, itchy and dry. The eczema rash is usually red or pink in babies with lighter pigmented skin. It can be red-brown, purple or sometimes grey in those with darker pigmented skin. When these conditions affect children before they’re toddling, it’s known as baby eczema (also known as infantile eczema and baby dermatitis). Researchers estimate that 1 in 5 children in the UK have eczema1. The two types that occur most often in babies are: Atopic dermatitis – a chronic (long-lasting) condition, more likely to develop in babies with a family history of eczema, asthma and allergies. Contact dermatitis – occurs when the skin is exposed to an irritating substance. This could be any number of things, from laundry detergent to moisture. Note that something that irritates one baby’s skin might have no effect on another’s. Baby eczema over time Even in our tiny ones, eczema changes over time. In infants (newborn to 12 months), patches of dry, flaky and rashy skin usually begin on those chubby cheeks, on the forehead and scalp and behind the ears. Parents often notice these symptoms developing at 1, 2 or 3 months old. Between 6 and 12 months, you might observe the elbows, knees, tummy and chest becoming rashy. Around age 2, eczema commonly appears in ‘creasy’ areas, such as the inner elbow and neck. Affected areas might begin to look thicker and darker with lines called ‘lichenification’. Experience of eczema ranges from mild to severe, affecting each baby differently over time. As your baby develops, so do their motor skills – meaning they’re more likely to use their fingernails to target that itch as they grow. Baby eczema vs dry skin While dry skin is a symptom of the condition, your baby having dry skin doesn’t necessarily mean they have eczema. If the dryness is accompanied by a bumpy texture, change in colour, fluid (known as ‘weeping’ or ‘oozing’) and your child is trying to scratch with their hands or by rubbing against other surfaces, it’s likely eczema.* Baby eczema vs baby acne As common infant skin issues that can be similar in appearance, people sometimes confuse these two conditions. Baby acne usually develops before the baby is 6 weeks, appears as red or white pimples and clears up without treatment within months. It is also more likely than eczema to occur on baby’s back in the first 6 months of life. On the other hand, baby eczema is more likely to appear bumpy and weepy, and to occur and persist later into development. * *Always check with your doctor if you are unsure about what’s affecting your baby’s skin. Why do babies get eczema? While the actual cause of eczema is unknown, we do know that genes and triggers in the environment both play a role. Genes Eczema ‘runs in families’ (along with asthma and hay fever – together known as the atopic triad2), which points to a genetic component. Research has identified a number of genes linked to these conditions and continues to explore the part genetics plays in eczema. Environmental factors Triggers can be anything outside the body that activates your baby’s immune system, causing their skin cells to behave differently than usual. These can include: Allergens Irritants, like soap and dust mites Stress Certain foods, such as milk, egg and peanut In addition, infant skin differs in structure and composition to adult skin. For example, the skin barrier is 30% thinner in babies less than 12 months old3. This makes baby skin more prone to dryness and less effective in protecting against irritants than adult skin. Why do babies scratch? Your little one scratches for the same reason you might – an impulsive urge to ‘quench’ an itch. Scratching sends mild pain signals along the nerves, distracting the brain. The process also releases serotonin, a feel-good chemical in the brain’s pleasure centres. Momentarily, scratching brings baby relief. However, serotonin also resets the itch, again triggering the urge to scratch. And so, the cycle continues. The problem with scratching The more your baby rubs or scratches, the more intense their itchiness becomes. Cue even more scratching, which breaks the skin and disrupts its normal function, leading to inflammation. Cracking, pain and bleeding can follow, and ultimately infection. These are classed as severe symptoms of baby eczema. How can I relieve my itchy baby’s eczema? While you know that they’re simply desperate for relief, you also know scratching can exacerbate the rash and risks introducing infection. Distressed parents often feel they carry the responsibility for stopping their baby from scratching. Imagine you could stay awake 24/7. Even then you couldn’t possibly keep your eyes on your baby 100% of the time. Even supermums and superdads need to eat and go to the bathroom! So, you can’t stop your baby from scratching. However, you can help prevent and soothe itching, reducing that urge to scratch before it has a chance to set in. Alternatively, when your baby is already in need of relief, you can help support them to ‘safely scratch’. Using these strategies together is a good way to handle baby eczema. Avoiding flare ups Preventing a flare up in the first place is, of course, the ideal way to avoid itching and scratching. However, learning your baby’s triggers is a journey, and lots of the time eczema simply doesn’t behave how we expect it to. Keeping a ‘flare up’ diary can help you identify what causes your little one’s symptoms to appear, worsen and improve. Each day, you jot down what they ate (or what you ate if you’re breastfeeding), what products and clothes have come in contact with their skin and what symptoms they have. Some parents find this more helpful than others - it might be that you simply learn the factors that cause your baby to react through trial and error. Preventing contact dermatitis flare ups There are some common triggers for contact dermatitis you could routinely look out for and avoid to help prevent your baby’s skin flaring up. These include: Allergens. Pet dander, pollen or dust can cause sensitive skin to react. Air filters and vacuum cleaners with high efficiency particulate air (HEPA) filters reduce these in your home. Hot washing sheets weekly can also help tackle dust mites. Moisture. Babies are notoriously sticky! Milk, saliva and sweat on the skin bring some babies out in that itchy rash. Use (and frequently change) dribble bibs, gently pat dry moisture when you see it and dress your baby in loose, light clothing to aid wicking. Scratchy fabrics. Certain fibres in clothes, soft furnishings and stuffed toys can irritate skin and trigger eczema. Try to keep wool, polyester and other scratchy fabrics away from your little one. Detergents and soaps. Try non-bio detergents for your baby’s clothes and sheets and minimal amounts of a mild product to wash your little one (speak to your doctor about recommended soaps and cleansing products for your sensitive-skinned child). Preventing the need to scratch We’re often asked how to stop eczema itching in babies – perhaps a more productive question than how to stop scratching. However, we’d reframe it a little further because – with the best will in the world – parents can’t always stop an itch from striking in the first place. At Cosi Care, we think of it as calming the itch. Here are some strategies: Listen out. Research suggests your baby uses different sounding cries to communicate different needs4. It can be hard to tell when infants are experiencing itchiness – listening for a specific cry could help. Cool down. Cold and itch signals run along the same nerves, so cold may stop the itch signal ‘getting through’ – it’s a proven soother. The Cosi Care Scratch Star and Scratch Attack Roller are both designed to be stored in the fridge, ready with a cooling sensation for instant relief. Moisturisers can be kept in the fridge, too. Change it up. Try introducing a different sensation when your baby’s itch gets too much. Some find gently tapping an itchy area calms the urge to scratch. Massage is also beneficial – use Cosi Care products to gently stimulate itchy areas (or unaffected skin, to distract the brain). Add water. ‘Wet wrap therapy’ can be soothing. This involves wrapping moistened cloth around the affected skin and covering with a dry layer. Additionally, a lukewarm bath sometimes eases discomfort – remember to avoid anything but mild soap and follow with a suitable moisturiser. Distract, distract, distract! Partly why a bath is so effective – especially when bath toys are involved! Babies are wired to be inquisitive so giving their little brains something other than the itch to focus on can really help. Our products are made for small hands and double as toys with your support. Safe Scratching The itch has set in. Your little one has started to rub or scratch. You’ve tried everything else but you just know: they need to scratch. Experts recommend keeping your baby’s little nails clean and short. While this can help, it doesn’t totally protect against damage. If you’ve tried eczema mittens or other hand-covering, you’ll know this isn’t fool-proof either, and can be distressing for both you and baby. When the urge to scratch is strong, even young infants will find something to rub against. At Cosi Care we recognize that itchy babies simply need instant relief. Long-term strategies are great, but they don’t cut it when your precious one is struggling now. We invented Safe Scratching to instantly soothe your baby’s itch with cold and texture that don’t break the skin. Here’s how to do it: Safe scratching with the Scratch Star Remove your Scratch Star from the fridge Pop a blob of moisturiser suitable for your baby’s skin on the centre of the metal plate then massage over your little one’s itchy area in slow, gentle circular motions. Clean and repeat! Safe scratching with the Scratch Attack Roller Remove your Scratch Attack Roller ball from the fridge. Blob a little trusted moisturiser directly on your baby’s itchy area OR pop it inside the product for use as a cooling applicator. Massage slowly over the affected area in gentle, repetitive Clean and repeat! If an itchy area is already sore or infected, or you’re concerned about massaging particular parts of your sore little one’s skin (people often ask us how to stop baby scratching their face, for example) you can try redirecting. To do this, use your Cosi Care safe scratching product to massage a different area of their body. Introducing sensation and stimulating the nerves of another patch of skin can change focus in the brain and ease the itch. Looking to the future Being an ‘eczema parent’ can be challenging, heartbreaking and everything in between. There’s no wonder “how to get rid of baby eczema fast” pops up in search terms related to this condition so often. Some babies do outgrow eczema by around age 4. For many more with atopic dermatitis, the condition will come and go over the course of their life. Either way, it does get easier. You’ll find what works best for your family and are likely to meet lots of others you can share the trials and triumphs of living with eczema along the way. We’re here to help you and your little one find relief while on that journey. Pick up your safe scratchers right here. Why not join the Cosi Care community? You can subscribe to our newsletter at the bottom of this page and connect with us over on Instagram. Sources 1 2 3 4
Learn moreHow to stop eczema itching?
We want you to get some eczema relief! “Stop scratching” is a phrase that many people with eczema are hurt and frustrated by, especially young children who simply don’t understand the harm and damage it may cause. We understand first-hand how this can cause distress and confusion. Yes, scratching feels amazing, so as a little one with itchy skin of course that is the natural response to chronic and intense itchiness. As a parent, guardian or family member managing a young child’s health, you do everything in your power to soothe and calm the itch, even binding and restricting hands which can be very distressing. This difficult experience is where the idea of creating a safe scratching tool was born. What if there was a product we could offer to a child, that would cool the itch and avoid breaking, cutting, bleeding and scarring? To be able to hand a child instant relief was our mission and we knew the positive impact this could have on the daily lives of families in need. Safe scratching is the new era of breaking the itch-scratch cycle in a way that helps a child physically and mentally when dealing with itchy skin. Instant relief is the focus of safe scratching. We want a child to feel the benefit, to feel the annoying itch melt away and to feel calmer, cooler and more comfortable in their skin during a flare-up. What are the different types of itching and scratching? So children feel itchy and scratch for a number of reasons and due to many different triggers: - The 'after food' itch - Histamine itch can be caused by eating histamine rich foods. - The 'allergic' itch - Allergies and intolerances can also cause an instant burst of itchiness after eating something that your body does not agree with. -The 'I'm hot and sweaty' itch - Heat and sweat can trigger the itch sensation and some may feel irritable after exercise or an activity that causes sweat and an increase in body temperature. Increased water loss through the skin will cause the sensation of itchiness. -The ‘I’m feeling stressed’ itch - Stress is also a trigger and if a child feels distressed or frustrated itching may occur. Stress induced eczema is also very common. -The ‘I’ve touched something my skin doesn’t like’ itch – contact itchiness can occur when touching something your body does not agree with or that you have an allergy to. -The ‘it’s bedtime’ itch – itchiness scientifically is more prevalent at night. Your body temperature and the blood flow to your skin both increase in the evening, warming your skin. Your body’s release of certain substances also varies by time of day. At night, you release more cytokines, which increase inflammation. With fewer distractions at night too itchiness can feel a lot more intense and annoying. Why does scratching feel so good? Scratching causes low-level pain signals to the brain, which temporarily distracts the brain from itch. These pain signals also release serotonin in the brain, which makes you feel good. But serotonin also resets the itch signal. In some cases, this can create a never-ending cycle. That's why it's common for scratching to make you more itchy, kicking off a vicious cycle scientists call the itch-scratch cycle. What is the itch-scratch cycle? Scratching is an immediate response to itching. The itch-scratch cycle is simply when the more you scratch the skin the more frequent and intense the itchiness will become. Itchy skin will cause a child to scratch, when scratching breaks the skin barrier and disrupts the skin, it will lead to inflammation, the itch intensifies and the scratching will continue, until ultimately this behaviour leads to an infection. How to stop eczema itching and the science behind safe scratching: There are five scientifically proven methods to calm an itch.. 1.Cold: Tiny C-fibres transmit itchy signals to the brain. Cold and itch run along the same nerve fibres, so using cold on the skin can ‘jam the circuits’ and stop an itch in it’s tracks. Apply our safe, regulated cold products to the skin to help soothe that annoying tingly itch! 2.Massage: Massage distracts the brain. If itchiness is bad, massage another body part with our cooling products to create a sensation away from the body part that itches. 3.Focus on another sensation, creating a kind of strain on another part of your body will take your brain off the itchiness. Focusing on playing with a physical product and keeping hands busy can also distract from the itching sensation. 4.Count to ten and breathe: Create healthy habits around scratching. Tell your brain (and yourself) to count to ten when using our safe scratchers, remember to stay calm by taking in deep breaths while you count. Breathe in on one and out on two, repeating until you reach 10 or 20. 5.Get Busy: Whenever you start to feel the need to scratch, do something else. Whether that’s watching some TV, playing a game or getting outside in nature. It’s all about staying and keeping busy. Playing with out products are also a great way to keep the mind and hands busy. How to Safe Scratch? We feel there are a lack natural remedies to treat eczema that offer instant relief, so We have invented ‘safe scratching’. We believe that completely avoiding scratching is impossible for young children and can cause a lot of distress for parents and children. ‘Safe scratching’ is instant, cooling relief for itchy skin without breaking the skin and causing cuts, damage, and scarring. Smooth textures and cooling rollers offer cold, massage and distraction to give your child the relief they deserve but all while avoiding the damaging implications of scratching. To ‘safe scratch’ with the Scratch Star, remove from the fridge (or freezer if you are over the age of 14 and like it a lot colder!), add a blob of your favourite moisturiser to the centre of the metal plate then massage over an itchy area in slow, gentle circular motions. Clean and repeat! If you do freeze your Scratch Star make sure you run it under warm water for a few seconds before using on skin. To ‘safe scratch’ with the Scratch Attack Roller, remove the ball from the fridge (or freezer if you are over the age of 14 and like it a lot colder!), add a blob of your favourite moisturiser to your skin, or you can add inside the product to use as a moisturiser applicator, massage over an itchy area in slow, gentle circular motions. Clean and repeat! If you do freeze your roller ball, make sure you run it under warm water for a few seconds before using on skin. How to soothe eczema? Meet our Scratch Star The Scratch Star is a one-of-a-kind product designed to help relieve uncomfortable itchy skin, distract from scratching and cool inflammation caused by common conditions such as eczema and psoriasis. It is specifically designed to mimic the sensation of scratching, with bumps ranging from large to small just like your fingernails. The star shape has been designed with the behaviour of scratching in mind, the position of your hand when using the star is the same as when you scratch, so it allows for a smoother transition to a healthier way of managing itchiness. The product is designed to comfortably hold in one hand, and gently massage an itchy area of skin by using in slow, small circular motions. The silicone used is latex-free and is soft to touch and hold. The metal plate is made from medically tested anodized aluminium which is nickel free. We are striving to modify an existing damaging behaviour, scratching is the only form of instant relief a child currently has (or the use of ice, or cold wet flannels to cool the skin). The Scratch Star offers a safer alternative, that can be used for instant itch-relief, that won’t break the skin, cause cuts and lead to an infection. By breaking the damaging itch-scratch cycle, the symptoms of itching and scratching can be relieved. Meet our Scratch Attack Roller (Launching in August!) The Scratch Attack Roller is a roller product designed to help relieve uncomfortable itchy skin, distract from scratching and cool inflammation caused by common conditions such as eczema and psoriasis. Open up the Scratch Attack and inside you will find a cooling stainless steel rollerball. Simply roll and massage across inflamed skin for instant relief and distraction from continuous itching. The internal cooling gel keeps it cold for up to 1 hour and the sensory cooling massage works hard to relieve itching and mimic scratching without damaging the skin. We recommend you combine with a moisturiser, and it’s perfect to use as a moisturiser applicator to add cooling to your routine. Its child-friendly shark fin shape and ultra-soft silicone cover make it easy for children to use by themselves so that they feel in control of their skin. The silicone used is latex-free and is soft to touch and hold. The metal plate is made from medical grade stainless steel. Please note that even medical grade stainless steel contains small amounts of nickel, even though it is considered to be hypoallergenic and safe to use. The product is designed to comfortably hold in one hand, and gently massage and roll over an itchy area of skin by using in slow, small circular motions. The Scratch Star and the Scratch Attack Roller are two new products in the world of managing itchy skin. We hope you love our products, and we are busy behind the scenes working on various innovations to help you manage your little one’s itch. You can find out more about our safe scratching products and our natural remedies for eczema here.
Learn moreWinner! Mayors Entrepreneur 2019
We love talking about Eczema, and making sure the voice of people suffering with skin disease is heard. So we thought that the Mayors Entrepreneur competition was a great chance to pitch our business in front of industry professionals to get the attention it deserved. After months of waiting in anticipation, we were selected to pitch in the finals at City Hall, London. Where (amazingly), we won! Out of 500 businesses we were whittled down to 15. Three categories of 5 with creative, technical and sustainable businesses. We presented our ideas and products to a panel of impressive and successful entrepreneurs and faced tough questioning to determine the winning idea! The Judges We pitched our concept in front of a panel of amazing judges and dazzled them with our shiny new prototype. Having a strict two minutes to pitch we made sure the problem was highlighted and spoke about Rhys' journey with Eczema (the big inspiration behind staring Cosi Care) The judges included; - Cassandra Stavrou, Founder ProperCorn - Richard Reed, Co-founder Innocent - David Walker, Citi Bank Head of Public sector banking, EMEA - Natalie Campbell, Co-founder A Very Good Company and LEAP Board Member - Philip Slater, Founder The Entrepreneurs Network - Roni Savage, MD Jomas (I know, NO PRESSURE!) Judging Panel 2019 Lauren Bell, Founder and fellow Eczema sufferer The Pitch! "Imagine not being able to comfort your child when they're in pain? That was the case for my parents." "My name is Lauren and we are Cosi Care, the first business to create technology to treat Eczema. So what is Eczema? It's an incurable skin disease that's red, dry, painful.. but most of all.. It's really itchy! My brother Rhys was diagnosed with severe Eczema at the age of 3. I have witnessed him sit in agony scratch himself until he bled. Years of this led to permanent scars, he can no longer bend his fingers, and multiple life-threatening infections. Rhys is not alone... 1 in 5 children and 15 million people currently suffer with eczema in the UK and this has tripled in the last three decades. Allergies are on the rise due to atmospheric pollution, diet and allergen exposure. As a polluted and pioneering city London needs to lead the way in combatting this growing problem. What if there was a product that could stop children scratching with a creative rather than clinical solution? We’ve created the first hand-held, non-invasive device that offers instant relief to a child in pain. Patented technology combining regulated cold and satisfying texture. Every year the NHS spends £169 million pounds on Eczema prescriptions, parents spend £900 and make up to 5 GP visits with their children needing multiple courses of antibiotics. Our multi award-winning and affordable solution will lighten this financial burden and tackle antibiotic resistance. Eczema is the tip of the iceberg and our core technology can treat a multitude of skin diseases. Antibiotic resistance is on the horizon, the time for this product is now! Eczema has shown no signs of slowing down and Cosi Care are the business to pump the breaks on this problem. There is a community of people itching to get their hands on my product. " Thank you for Listening. The Winners Creative Category: Lauren Bell from Cosi Care Technical Category: George Winfield from Spyras Sustainability Category: Hassan Ahmad, Mizi Fan & Kariem Ali from NanoShift After a difficult deliberation the winners were announced and three business scooped a £20,000 prize to help develop their businesses. All 15 finalists also won a stunning office space for a year in London Bridge. A great win for Cosi Care, and the money will used to kick off our user-trials, exhibit at the Allergy and Free From Show 2019 and perfect our product so it's ready for production. Very Exciting!
Learn moreShow time
After an exciting 6 months at CRL it was time for our demo day. We were very excited to show off our brand new prototype and with our finalised patent we were finally free to show off the hard work. A great evening of networking and drinking to conclude a lot of time and graft building our new businesses. The businesses included; - Moment Pebble: Charlie and Alex - Hero Skin: Dorota - Y-heels: Yaagni - Nxsteps: Alecia - Brahman: Ben, Noah, Odin - Aglie Planet: Lottie and Connor and, of course, Cosi Care! Demo Day 2019. Cohort 5! Cosi Care made some amazing connections and we are on our journey towards securing investment. We pitched to an impressive group of entrepreneurs, designers and investors in the hope of making connections that would lead us to seeking needed funds to make our businesses a reality. The team worked really hard on refining our working prototype and a lot of guest had the opportunity to be the first to try it out. Cold at the touch of a button, and people were pretty impressed! Nice work guys!
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