The Bumpy Ball
The Bumpy Ball
Product Description
Product Description
The ultimate finger scratcher! A pocket-sized itch relief roller, with cooling smooth roller ball included, that's filled with cooling gel for longer lasting cooling. Bumpy Ball accessory also available to add a fingernail sensation to your safe scratch!
- Medical grade product
- Pocket Sized!
- Instant cooling itch-relief for flareups
- Reduces redness and calms inflammation
- Antimicrobial, antibacterial and antifungal technology
- ISO 13485 medically certified as safe for eczema and psoriasis
- Perfect for hands, fingers and small areas
- Distracts the mind for the feeling of itch
- Helps avoid cuts, scarring and infections caused by scratching
- Suitable for children 3+
- Surgical Grade Stainless Steel Roller
- Antibacterial, Antiviral and AntiFungal Silicone (Latex free)
- Long lasting cooling gel (permanently secured within the device)
How to use
How to use
- Store your Safe Scratcher in the fridge.
- When itchiness arises, gentle glide over itchy area, using gentle pressure and moving in circular motions.
- Use on freshly moisturised skin, or with a moisturiser for added glide and safety.
- Clean thoroughly after each use ensuring all moisturiser is removed.
- Dry thoroughly after each use.
- Place back in the fridge.
Where to use
Where to use
The Scratch Star is suitable for: Arms, legs, tops of hands, tops of feet, cheeks, shoulders, chest, back.
The Scratch Attack Roller is suitable for: Eyes, eyelids, face, neck, behind elbows, behind knees, can be used over full body.
The Puffer Itch Roller is suitable for: Fingers, knuckles, hands, toes, feet. The Bumpy ball is also perfect for these areas.
The Scalp Scratcher is suitable for: Scalp, Hairline.